Take 3 Minutes To Determine Which Retirement Plan Is Best For Your Business
One of the most common questions I come across with clients is “what is the best type of retirement plan for my small business?” Getting the answer right on this question is EXTREMELY important because it impacts so many areas regarding the long term success of not only your business but also your retirement.
To help answer that question, we have this free 3 minute questionnaire to get you pointed in the right direction.
If you are currently considering which retirement plan type would best fit your needs, feel free to schedule a call with me using this calendar link. You can also send me an email at Robert@LinkFinancialAdvisory.com with the subject line of “What Retirement Plan Is Best For My Business?” I’ll be happy to provide you with additional resources and answer any questions you may have.
If you currently have a 401(k) and you’d like to review it to verify it’s the best option for your company or get a free benchmarking report, use the calendar link above or email above. As always, if you have any other questions I can answer for you, please feel free to email me or call me directly at 406-369-3396.
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